
Online and On-Campus Counseling Degrees and Programs in Nebraska

There are 12 schools in Nebraska with programs in the five major counseling categories: mental health counseling, marriage and family therapy, rehabilitation counseling, school counseling, and substance abuse counseling.1 In addition to traditional programs with on-campus courses, there are online and hybrid options to choose from. Online counseling degrees are delivered through web-based learning, while hybrid degrees blend online coursework and in-person sessions. There are eight schools in Nebraska with hybrid and online counseling degrees that make counseling education more accessible to those who can’t attend traditional programs.

Table of Contents

Comparison of Nebraska Counseling Schools and Programs

The table below summarizes public and not-for-profit colleges and universities in Nebraska with traditional and online counseling programs. Where applicable, we note schools with one or more programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), and the Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council (MPCAC).

The five major counseling degree concentrations are abbreviated as MH for mental health counseling degrees, MF for marriage and family therapy degrees, VR for vocational rehabilitation counseling degrees, SC for school counseling degrees, and SA for substance abuse counseling degrees. These correspond to the Nebraska counseling licenses Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner/Certified Professional Counselor (LIMHP/CPC), Certified Marriage and Family Therapist (CMFT), School Counselor (SC), and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC). Rehabilitation counselors are typically licensed as LIMHP/CPCs. Note that some programs offer degree tracks that can lead to credentialing in more than one specialty. Bold text indicates a program with online or hybrid options.

School NameAccreditation2-4Online/Hybrid Programs?MHMFVRSCSANet Price1
Bellevue UniversityCACREPOnlineYes$15,229
Chadron State CollegeCACREPOnlineYesYes$15,147
Concordia University-NebraskaOnlineYes$22,573
Creighton UniversityOnlineYes$31,040
Doane UniversityCACREPYes$23,667
Northeast Community CollegeOnlineYes$9,158
Southeast Community CollegeOnlineYes$8,011
University of Nebraska at KearneyCACREPOnline/HybridYesYesYes$16,433
University of Nebraska at LincolnCOAMFTEYesYes$18,029
University of Nebraska at OmahaCACREPYesYesYes$12,790
Wayne State CollegeCACREPHybridYesYes$14,428
Western Nebraska Community CollegeYes$6,756

Nebraska Schools With Online Counseling Programs

Programs on the following lists may be online or hybrid. Check with schools for any in-person degree requirements.

Online Mental Health Counseling Degrees

Online School Counseling Degrees

Online Substance Abuse Counseling Degrees

Top-Ranked Schools With Counseling Programs in Nebraska

US News & World Report’s Best Online M.Ed. Programs for Student Counseling 2022

Select Schools in Nebraska With Counseling Degrees

Traditional Graduate Programs

Doane University

At Doane University, prospective counseling students can pursue a 60-credit Master of Arts in Counseling (MAC) that focuses on mental health counseling and teaches students about the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders. The program is available at the Lincoln campus with courses offered in nine-week blocks throughout the year. Students are trained to work with a wide variety of populations and mental health challenges in individual and group settings. Graduates will also be prepared to critically evaluate counseling research, use data to inform clinical decisions, and perform program and service evaluations. The degree meets state educational requirements to become a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP).

University of Nebraska at Omaha

The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) is home to a Master of Science (MS) in Counseling with two CACREP-accredited tracks in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling. The MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling requires 60 credits with an optional 6-credit thesis option for students interested in research. Students can add two additional courses in addiction studies to meet the academic requirement for a provisional Alcohol and Drug Counseling (LADC) license. Students in the MS in School Counseling program must complete at least 48-54 credits depending on whether or not they choose to complete a thesis; those without a valid teaching certificate will be required to complete 60 credits. New students are admitted in the fall, spring, and summer terms for both tracks of the MS degree. Graduates of the MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling will meet state educational requirements to become Licensed Mental Health Practitioners (LMHPs), while those in the MS in School Counseling program will be eligible to become P-12 school counselors in Nebraska.

Online and Hybrid Programs

Bellevue University

Bellevue University offers a CACREP-accredited Master of Science (MS) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling that is available online or at the Bellevue campus. In the online program, students complete coursework online and complete the required 100-hour practicum and 600-hour clinical internship in their local area. They must also attend two on-campus residencies. The first residency is held at the beginning of the program and the second residency must be completed before starting the clinical internship. The degree consists of 60 credits and meets state educational requirements for the Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP) credential. Courses in the MS program include Theories of Psychopathology; Group Processes and Facilitation; and Human Development Throughout the Lifespan. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree with at least six credits in the behavioral sciences.

Chadron State College

Chadron State College offers two hybrid Master of Arts in Education (MAE) degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling. Many courses in these programs are offered online, but applicants should be aware that some on-campus coursework is required. The MAE in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is a 60-credit degree that prepares students to provide individual and group counseling services in public, mental health, community, and private settings. The degree meets the coursework requirements for the Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP) license in Nebraska. The MAE in School Counseling is a 39-credit program with three tracks: PK-8, 7-12, and PK-12, allowing students to focus on elementary and middle school grades, middle and secondary school grades, or complete the requirements to work in both settings upon completion of the program. Students who do not have an undergraduate degree in teaching or a teaching certificate will be required to complete 15 credits in the school’s Alternative Teacher Education Program and meet additional state requirements before becoming eligible for school counseling licensure.

Concordia University-Nebraska

Concordia University-Nebraska is a Lutheran institution offering an online Master of Arts (MA) in School Counseling. The program teaches students child and adolescent development and mental health, counseling theories, and trauma and crisis intervention. The degree consists of 50 credits for certified teacher applicants or 62 credits for applicants without a teaching certificate. Students must also complete 100 hours of supervised practicum and 225 hours of supervised internship at the PK-6 level as well as 225 hours of supervised internship at the 7-12 level. Practicum and internship are completed in the student’s local area. The MA degree is designed to accommodate the needs of working professionals as all coursework can be completed online and several start dates are offered during the year. Courses are offered in an accelerated, eight-week format, enabling students to take courses on a full-time or part-time basis throughout the year. Graduates will meet Nebraska requirements to become school counselors in PK-12 settings.

Creighton University

Creighton University is a Jesuit institution located in Omaha that offers an online Master of Science (MS) in School Counseling. For students with a teaching certificate, the degree comprises 36 credits, while those without a teaching certificate are required to complete 48 credits. The program has a project-based format that introduces students to contemporary issues facing students, such as bullying, drug use, and behavioral issues. The degree admits new students in June and takes approximately two years of full-time study to complete. Students can choose to specialize in Elementary School Counseling, Secondary School Counseling, or a dual concentration in PK-12 Guidance Counseling. All coursework can be completed online and, upon completion of the program, students will meet state requirements to become a school counselor. For students interested in school counselor opportunities in Catholic schools, Creighton University’s Magis Catholic Teacher Corps offers additional learning opportunities and scholarships.

University of Nebraska at Kearney

At the University of Nebraska at Kearney, students can choose from several online and hybrid counseling degree programs. The Master of Science in Education (MSEd) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is a 60-credit, hybrid degree program that is accredited by CACREP. Students can meet the degree requirements through a combination of weekday and evening classes at the Kearney campus, as well as online courses. Graduates will meet state academic requirements to become a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP) and a Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counseling (LADC) upon completion of the program. The MSEd in School Counseling also has a hybrid format and enables graduates to meet state requirements for school counseling in either PK-6 or 7-12 settings. The degree consists of 43 credits with 12 additional credits required for non-licensed teacher applicants. Finally, an online, 12-credit Alcohol and Drug Counseling Graduate Certificate is available for individuals who are already licensed as LMHPs or students who are currently studying mental health counseling. The certificate meets state educational requirements for the Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counseling (LADC) credential.

Wayne State College

At Wayne State College, prospective mental health counselors can complete a 60-credit, CACREP-accredited Master of Science in Education (MSEd) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling that meets state coursework requirements to become a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP). The program teaches students to provide individual and group counseling, mental health assessments, and crisis intervention services. The school also offers an MSEd in School Counseling that requires 63 credits with an additional 12 credits of education coursework for students who do not have a Nebraska teaching license. The counseling programs at Wayne State College are offered in a hybrid format, combining online and on-campus courses. Students can also choose to take up to 36 credits of foundational counseling coursework during weekend intensive courses that take place over the course of eight weeks.

1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
2. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, Accredited Programs: https://www.cacrep.org/directory/
3. Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education, Directory of COAMFTE Accredited Programs: https://coamfte.org/COAMFTE/Directory_of_Accredited_Programs/MFT_Training_Programs.aspx
4. Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council Accredited Programs: https://mpcacaccreditation.org/accredited-programs/
5. US News & World Report Best Student Counseling Programs 2022: https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-education-schools/student-counseling-rankings
6. US News & World Report Best Online Master’s in Education Programs Offering Student Counseling and Personnel Services 2022: https://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/education/student-counseling-rankings